fredag 1 juni 2012

Workshop 29th of May

The atmosphere in the seminar hall was quite different from the previous two days. This
was the day when the children’s books author Eva Susso and librarian Ingrid Källström
were going to have a workshop for Georgian collegues, and people had come from all
over Georgia to participate.

The 30 Georgian childrens’s books authors and librarians started off by drawing and
writing about a Dream Library. The presentations showed visions far beyond today’s
libraries with examples like a tree house in the library, possibilies for children to play in
the library or a library situated in a parc.

During the day the Georgian participants also got new inspiration for activites that could
involve the whole family in the library, like a game where parents and young children
can write a story together.

It was quite a joyful day, with lot’s of laughter and spontanious applauds , as Eva Susso
and Ingrid Källström showed different ways of working with very young children like
infants and involving the whole family in the library activities.

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